I remarked on the great soundtrack that was playing at a street party I attended one night. Being a former rock radio DJ, I appreciate a good mix with segues that work. “Who put that together?” I asked. I was introduced to the creator, who was very proud that someone had taken notice. We’ll call him Justin.
While talking music with Justin, he revealed that he didn’t get much of an opportunity to listen to the music he most loved anymore (Talking Heads, AC/DC, Pink Floyd, Radiohead, Foo Fighters…). That’s why he volunteered for the party soundtrack job.
I was curious. “What keeps you from listening to your favorite music?” I asked.
“Oh, you know how it is when you get married,” he confessed. “My wife thinks I should be listening to country music or just the Christian station. She thinks it’s immature for me be listening to rock.”
SERIOUSLY? I could take this up in sooo many different directions. I’ll just go with one this round.
Questions to ponder:
1) Are you stifling your own passion & creative impulse because of someone else’s biases, conditions, fears, judgments, values?
2) Are you stifling someone else’s creativity for your own agenda?
Well-intentioned or not, our creativity is too often quashed by another person’s ideas of what we “should” be doing.

Radical EvolutionAry Love Makers (aka The REALM)
rock the Heaven book release event with passion & purpose
photo courtesy of G3
It is our responsibility to mine our own purpose & to guide others to understanding that we’ll be much better partners, co-workers, & neighbors when we grace one another with the freedom to be our true selves. I don’t want to know the make-over version of you. I want to know the real YOU. Guaranteed there’s brilliance in there.
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