I recognized, over the last week, that so many people are suffering in one form or another. From illness to divorce, from school bullying to job loss, we’re all presented with personal circumstances that hurt. Then there’s the collective tragedy we all feel – from a school massacre, like Sandy Hook, to ongoing genocide in Africa. These things can weigh heavily on our hearts, on our psyche.
We need daily reminders of who we really are.
I want to remind you that Love is more powerful than any hardship we face.
And you are that Love.
I created a rhythmic meditation to remind you. Dive in. Move your body; it’ll elevate your outlook.
“Radiate Love” Meditation
Then my talented husband added his own sauce to rock it up. Here’s the “Radiate Love” Meditation – CandyBelly remix.
I hope you enjoy them.
Love Rocks the World.
Want to see what guided rhythm meditations can do for you?
Check it out.