It’s the eve of the new year, 2014. It’s also a new moon. A time when we make commitments around the ways we want to change things for a better future.
It’s interesting that we often choose methods of change that don’t jive with who we are. That’s a land mine. Eventually, it’s gonna blow up.
What if you just commit
to doing more of what makes you feel alive?
Do you feel alive when you speak the truth?
Does an act of compassion bring an emotional release?
Does delicious sex with the one you love bring a heightened connection to all that is good in the world?
Do you feel the strength of a super-hero when you exhaust your body with your favorite sport? (meaning you’re in it, not on the couch watching it).
Do you feel the expansion of possibilities when you lie in the grass & look up at the stars?
Do you feel rich when you indulge in big laughter with family & friends?
Do you recognize your wealth & abundance when you eat a healthy meal?
Do you feel lighter when you let go of resentment & fear?
Do you soar to new heights of expression & release when you dance, play music, make art?
Do you feel like a rock star when you make the goal, the sale, the connection to your kid?
The investment – through money, time, or most importantly Presence – in the things that make you feel alive will lead you to be more of who you really are. That’s freedom.
Your freedom unleashes your gifts, like a flood, into your life & into the lives of those around you. In other words, it’s epic. World-changing.
Commit to being ALIVE in 2014. We need you.
Want rocket fuel for more freedom in your life?
Movement Meditations create more energy
Move Your Sexy Spirit audio program gives you tools to make it happen.
It’s half-off in January
Want to go bigger? Get private time with me to unleash your abundant life.
The Inexhaustible Fire program starts in Feb. Let’s set up a
complimentary session & take a look at what you’d like to achieve.
Here’s what clients have experienced.