My friend, G3, is putting images & video together for Halloween in The REALM™. We were discussing the format for the show & I told him we might want to look at potential images while going over songs to see what works together.
Huh? That’s when he enlightened me to a new term, as he often does. He said, “We could just wild sync it.”
Wild sync happens naturally when images & music are allowed to run simultaneously for an intended purpose. The human brain says, “Wow, the music fits so perfectly with that photo.” It’s a lot easier than painstakingly working to make everything match in a controlled fashion.
This concept got me thinking about the way this could be applied to any relationship, whether it be music to image, or person to person. I Googled the term & found an article in Electronic Musician that speaks beautifully about rhythmic timing.
“Although tight timing is a worthy goal, being close in tempo rather than locked to the beat is much easier to achieve. Surprisingly, this wild sync is often more expressive, as well.” ~David Battino, author of The Art of Digital Music: 56 Visionary Artists & Insiders Reveal Their Creative Secrets
If you’re not a musician, computer geek, synchronized swimmer or such, this might sound like a bunch of blah, blah. So, how about applying it to your relationships?
We often seek to direct, or control, relationships in a way that is most beneficial for us – or, at least, in a way that we can most readily see on the surface. The idea of letting go a bit more – feeling the rhythm & pulse of the moment, the other person’s breathing, the cadence of their speech, the flow of their energy – & allowing our own natural rhythm to find its course in relation to theirs can seem scary. In fact, letting go of control is akin to death.
What if it’s easier, however, to more fully express yourself & to hear the other person more clearly by letting go? Maybe we run over & bump into one another by trying to get others to “lock in” to exactly what we’re saying, thinking or feeling. Do we so constrict ourselves with the need to “control the beat” that we cease to dance?
I think I’ll try a little wild sync on for size – see how it changes the communication.
What about you? Interested in getting wild?
C’mon, share a story.