Have you ever noticed, listening to the radio in your car, that people walking around you are in sync with the rhythm – almost like they can hear your tune? That’s because Life has a rhythm!
You have your own unique rhythm; a certain way you move in the world. The way you think, play, share your joy, do your work, express your creativity, engage your sexuality, practice your faith – it’s your rhythm. You’ll find your life purpose between the beats.
If you find you’re off your rhythm, the quickest way back is through your breath. From there, you’ll feel your heart beating, connecting all the moving parts. Consciously tuning to rhythm is where you’ll find freedom.
I spent Halloween playing with the rhythm, playing with songs & the way their mood, message & vibe carry us through our lives, leading us deeper into the knowing of our true selves. Here’s a shot from the stage –
Radical EvolutionAry Love Makers (aka The REALM).
How do you connect to the rhythm of the Earth, the rhythm of Life? What are some of the ways you benefit from consciously tuning to your rhythm?
I’m leading a free teleclass to explore the ways you’ll benefit BIG TIME by tuning in to the rhythm. Watch this video & let me know if you can feel it!
I hope you’ll join me in the journey through the rhythm in this 2-part teleclass, where I’ll guide you through 7 Transformational steps to tap into your unique Soul-Fire so you can Thrive in your life, relationships, & career.