Secrets for Living a SuperCharged Life

I had the privilege of seeing & hearing Brendon Burchard, author of the NY Times bestselling book, The Chargeat the eWomen Annual Conference in July (where I, incidentally, took the opening morning stage to assist Sandra Yancey in rocketing the audience into high gear!).

Kimberly Cain_eWomen Conference 2012
Kimberly Cain_Sandra Yancey_Melba Stevens_Goga_eWomen Conference 2012

It takes a lot of energy to get up on a large stage & motivate an early morning audience. The key is having the understanding that it’s not my energy. It’s energy that I allow to channel through me. As Brendon states so well, a power plant isn’t the power itself, it generates power. How do we become power generators for living lives that rock to the fullest & bless others along the way?

Brendon & I share the philosophy that if you want to live at your highest level of energy, freedom & enthusiasm for life, you need a creative practice that continually feeds your body, mind & spirit. This philosophy is echoed by high-performing individuals in every walk of life from billionaire business mogul & philanthropist Sir Richard Branson to former President Bill Clinton to Jesus.

If you’re looking to supercharge your life in a sustainable way, I highly recommend The Charge.
