Listen to the Tune Your Vibes hour on LIO Radio
Intro to Live Inside Out – authenticity for living a powerful, joyful life
Pt. 1 of 2 (original broadcast date 5/19/10)
This podcast is broken up into 2 parts to make it easier for you to listen at your leisure.
Click to listen now: LIO Radio – Tune Your Vibes_Intro Live Inside Out – Pt1
In this segment:
Intuitive Guidance – What does it mean to Live Inside Out? Does it really matter if a person lives authentically & finds their “purpose” in life?
Also, featuring the song “Let Me Be Your Drug” by Kelly Brown/Local Honey
from the CD, Late Bloomer.
Please share your thoughts!
How do you practice authenticity?
Do you open yourself enough for others to be their most authentic selves when they’re with you?
What comes into play to prevent you from being your most authentic self?
What would happen if you just decided to stop living for other’s expectations of you & started living as your true Self?
Listen to Pt. 2 here
Read about LIO Radio here