The Spiritual & The Sexual – A Delicious Mix

How does your spirituality affect your sexuality & vice versa?

I'm just about to release my first novel, Heaven, about the nature of God as seen through the eyes of Eve, an exotic dancer. It's a story about healing the separation between the spiritual & the sexual self. Our culture needs this healing. Years of research on the subject has yielded interesting insights. People want to express their sexuality in healthy ways. Our "modern" culture is so over-stimulated with technology, productivity, & intellectualism, however, that we have difficulty connecting to our physical bodies. I'm not talking about exercise in this particular context. I'm talking about sensual stimulation & feeling.

When was the last time you spent time admiring your own amazing body? Notice I said admiring, not analyzing or critiquing. When was the last time you spent time running your fingers through your own hair, over your face, along the lines of your body down to the tips of your toes & feeling gratitude for the miraculous state of being alive in the human body? I'm not talking about a quick run-through – I'm talking time. Time that is specifically dedicated to this ritual of thankfulness. Time that creates a space for pleasure to work her magic. Healing, divine pleasure.

During many of the intuitive readings & guidance sessions I do with people, I find they are living with a low sense of self-worth. When giving exercises to help them tap into their worth, they often tell me that the most challenging is that of standing alone, looking at themselves in the mirror (especially naked) & saying, "I love you; you're beautiful".

Learning to love – truly love – your body is essential to your health & well-being. Pleasure is a gift. Whether you are giving pleasure to another or to your own self, receiving pleasure from another or from your own self, be present with the experience. Make it the most important thing in the world at that time. The fully-present sexual experience is ultimately connected to spiritual experience. You may lose the ability to separate the receiving from the giving! That is Sacred Sexuality.

Is it difficult for you to connect the spiritual & the sexual? If so, why? Is it so natural for you that there has never been a disconnect? Sharing your insights, struggles & joys helps others find their way; it helps us all to know that we're not alone. Don't be afraid; give us a word or two!


