Run the Race Like You’ve Already Won

Here’s a POWERFUL idea for you.

Operating like you’ve already won makes ALL the difference! 

When I really looked at this, I realized how much stress & worry it removes, instantly. If you’ve already made the big sale, had the difficult heart-to-heart talk, rehabilitated from the accident, aced the test, won the race & wowed the audience, you’re in celebration mode!

It only makes sense to go into everything, then, from the perspective of having already won. It’s a little different from having a “winning attitude”, which can be hard to conjure sometimes. It seems that it’s more about developing a deep understanding that, in the end, Love wins.

It’s about where you put the focus. Love is an act, an attitude, a state of being, a refusal to die before you’re dead. Acting as Love itself is a radical act – generated from the heart.

Love Wins

So, start with the end in mind – ‘cuz Love is a humongous, all-encompassing energy.

What do you have to lose?
