Longing for change? Imagine your wishes fulfilled

I’m reading Dr. Wayne Dyer’s Wishes Fulfilled: Mastering the Art of Manifesting, in which he talks about using your imagination & proclaiming the “I AM” presence in your life. This Presence is so powerful that I must share it with you.

Too many of us spend our days thinking about what we are not, what we don’t have, & what we wish we could have or be. Be truthful. Has that thinking ever brought any of your dreams into reality? 

It really can’t, can it? After all, you’re dreaming of what you don’t want! Have you ever thought of it that way? When you get to the business of being exactly who you are – here & now – your Highest, Most Excellent Self will step into the picture & reshape your life.

Do you want to experience rebirth & renewed energy? Are you longing for change & new life?

“Animus” – watercolor KBCain ©2004

No matter what your beliefs, you can experience it by imagining your dreams as your current state of affairs, proclaiming “I AM” & feeling that very Life coursing through your veins. You don’t have to go to exotic places, you don’t have to ditch your job or the people in your life to experience it. The Source of all Life is within you. When you shift your mind into this state of knowing, you will begin to see your world with new eyes. You will bring about the rebirth of your own Self.

I AM peace, I AM love, I AM prosperity, I AM health, I AM beauty, I AM joyful…. I AM. Imagine it. Feel it to be true in the depths of your soul. Proclaim it. Be it.

I’ve seen what we look like in our larger, more expansive, more loving Selves. It’s astounding how beautiful & powerful you really are! 

Wishing you peace, love & abundance during this time of renewal & rejuvenation.


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